
Really Shit Music, Round 1: Die Antwoord

South Africa has had it's fair share of bad times. The one that most sticks out is the massive injustice of The Apartheid.
Recently however things have been looking up for them with the ending of the Apartheid, the freeing of Nelson Mandela, a better governement and recent economic growth.
...But I am afraid that may all be about to unravel; for they are currently home to one of the worst music acts I have ever beared witness to.

Ladies and Gentlemen it is my regretful duty to present to you.

Told you.

Dappy's going to be pissed when he realises someone has stolen his one-trick pony, mated it with a retarded donkey and created a bastardised mule, and are now flogging said mule to the world as dog meat.



  1. rockfan88? What's the 88 stanf for? Heil Hitler or something?

    Die Antwoord is a parody, mein fuhrer.

  2. i was born in 1988.
    how does 88 stand for Heil Hitler??
