For those of you who don't know TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an organisation dedicated to "Ideas Worth Spreading" which hosts yearly conferences around the world with some of the worlds greatest people, minds and ideas as speakers. These are all available to view online (I highly recommend spending a while watching some of them, some of them will literally make you gasp).
Each year they also award the a prize to an individual of $100,000 + and the chance to work with the TED community to make that persons wish for a better world come true. Past winners have led to the advancement of technology in African hospitals (as wished by Bono), and the creation of the Encyclopedia Of Life (as wished by EO Wilson).
This year Jamie Oliver (yes, the chef) was awarded the prize. here is his speech on how to combat the worlds obesity crisis...
Also, although not many of this years speeches have been posted online yet, this one by Blaise Aguera y Arcas has; your jaw will drop.
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