Hey again folks.
I know you've missed me.I feel a rant is in order. About the state of things, or to be more specific, the state of TV.
As we enter the second decade of the new millenium one would assume that we'd all be watching documentaries on the latest missions into space as we aim to advance our culture, learn about our place in the universe and create a better world for all.
But, we're not.
Instead we are 'treated' to watching people in a house, and then we get the absolute pleasure of voting them out of said house.
I am of course talking about 'Celebrity' Big Brother*.
Yep, only 2 short weeks since the end of the X-Factor TV producers have decided what would really break the reality show monotony is another reality show. well decided there, fuckers.

And the worst part?
People will actually watch it, sad lonely people who left education at the age of 16 to get a job because they can't spell properly, and iNsteAD ~REVerT~ 2 Typin n SpELlIn lyk DIs will lap it up.
Unfortunately people generally like untalented pricks repeating the same formula over and over again (case in point, Oasis).
These idiots also happen to know me (apparently) and therefore take great pleasure in filling up my facebook and twitter feeds with a tsunami of inane comments. by the way, I WILL be extending my popular 'delete-a-friend facebook advent' to cover these comments, so if you know me on there, just think before you post**.
And before you comment to say so, I know that in the case of Big Brother channel 4 has seen sense and this is the last series (bar one more non-celebrity one).
However, we all know that some other bright spark will come up with some brand new reality show concept called 'I-slept-with-a-celebrity and I shit on talent' or some other bollocks.
However, I'm well aware I'm a hypocrite, should TV producers ever decide to create my idea for a reality show 'celebrity bomb disposal' then I for one, and hopefully millions of others would regularly tune in to see how much mankind's gene pool improves each week.
Well, I said this was a rant and that's exactly what I've given you. because I deliver on my promises.
Before I go I'd like to change the subject and link you to this website, where I think you should put your email address in the little box and recieve one of the best song's i've heard in a while.
That's all for now.
*I use the word celebrity with extreme caution, from what I can tell the contestants only go in the house because their careers are failing. not exactly the dictionary definition of the word.
** I realise that telling Big Brother viewers to think is completely paradoxical and utterly pointless. hell they can't even read.
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