

It is rare something annoys me to the extent that I feel the need to blog about it, but this is going to be one of those blogs.

You see, I have just finished reading two articles about the (thoroughly enjoyable) Top Gear Boxing Day special written by everybody's favourite hate-fest literature dump. In case you missed it the aim of the special was for Clarkson, Hammond and May to retrace the steps of the three wise men in the nativity and get from Iraq to Bethlehem in sports cars, sounds pretty simple, only, with it being Top Gear, it is something of a tradition for them to offend somebody, so in typical fashion, they did.

During a scene in which they are trying to travel through Syria and maintain a low profile so that they can get into Israel, Clarkson decides it would be a good idea for them to wear niqabs (the Muslim robes worn by women in which only the eyes can be seen). Seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to me, it's amusing in it's absurdity, and would work reasonably well in a Muslim country where they are worn by a large percentage of the population.

Well, of course not, you see they were specifically attacking muslims to cause "religious outrage", as you will see this article is full of hilarious quotes from enraged Muslims, such as:
Islamic extremist Anjem Choudary, said: 'The burka is a symbol of our religion and people should not make jokes about it in any way'.
Wait, what? this guy is a self professed extremist, of course he's not gonna like it, his primitive views probably make him think stoning homosexuals is acceptable. and yes, you SHOULD make jokes about it, I refuse to be fed into this idea that religion deserves some form of respect and defence from ridicule, after all, it is one of the most ridiculous things in existence, nobody should be allowed to censor free speech.

So anyway, read further down and the next quote the Daily Fail has managed to find is from a reputable news and opinion source:
On the Yahoo! forum, someone wrote, 'Death to America'.
Dear god, what!?
Death threats for making light entertainment out of something is never cool and doesn't exactly give you the respect you demand.

But America? why? what? who? How are you so ignorant?!, Top Gear is British, they made several references on the show to the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), fucking hell knowledge must scare you, if you couldn't even be bothered to google that! It also shows that you haven't even watched the show, but are prepared to make death threats over what you've been told about it. FUCK. OFF.

Fair play to the Daily mail as the next few comments they've dragged off the internet are from people who think (like me) that this is a whole lot of fuss over nothing.

That is of course until I found the next article, yeah that’s right, Christians are also complaining over insults to their religion over a scene in the same programme in which a manger is shown to contain a baby Stig.

Tony Stephens, 61, from London panned the show's treatment of the Muslim and Christian faiths: 'I can see Muslims have a right to complain about the light-hearted treatment of burkas, but what about Jeremy Clarkson pretending to be Jesus Christ and having a nativity scene with The Stig as the baby Jesus?
To be honest, The Stig is much better than Jesus ever was (he’s also more believable).

Long live Top Gear, and long may it avoid being censored by a minority of people who are afraid that if their beliefs are opened to ridicule, then they will truly be seen for what they are; ridiculous

Happy New Year,


  1. *sigh* religious conflict...everywhere :/

  2. Wonderfully rational.

    I missed this particular special, so away to iPlayer I shall go.
