
Meatless Monday

Some Facts:
  • one burger a day increases your risk of dying young by a 1/3.
  • 10 billion animals are raised per year for meat.
  • most of which are farmed industrially with poor welfare.
  • compared to vegetables, beef takes 100x more water for the same weight.
  • cattle currently take up 30% of the worlds land surface,
  • and release more co2 than all of the worlds transport put together.
  • people today eat twice as much meat as we did in the 1950's.

So, with this in mind I'm going to be joining the movement known as Meatless monday.

Meatless monday is a US campaign to help raise awareness of the issues surrounding meat production, nutrition and food awareness, and it's a damn good, simple idea.

One day a week, you cut meat out of your diet completely, Simple as that.
Where possible I will also be avoiding beef and pork altogether and instead having a more environmentally friendly meats (sustainable fish or poultry).

For more on this issue, watch this 4min talk on weekday vegetarianism...

I will, of course keep you updated with how this is going, if it goes well (and I can't see why it wouldn't) I hope to expand it to more days, and perhaps eliminating milk and animal products from my diet as well.

Shep .


  1. Wow, someone who actually shares the same views as me! I don't eat any meat apart from 'friendly' fish and chicken. I don't think there's anything wrong with eating meat at all, (we're human, after all) which is what most people first think when I tell them I don't eat most meat. I just try to be as little a part of the meat industry as possible.

  2. Yeah, this is something i've only recently been made aware is such an issue, so I figured it's time I did something to ease my guilt.
