
Election 2010

Or, 'Why I'm voting Lib Dem'.
from the it's that time again dept.

So, it's that time again, where we collectively look at how far we've moved in the last 5 years, and look forward to the next 5 and beyond and consider where we want to go.

Lets face it, the last five years have been pretty miserable, banking crisis followed by global recession, at the same time many of our elected MP's have been using taxpayers money to fund moats and duckponds.

We need a change. don't get me wrong, over the last 13 years Labour have done some fantastic things for this country, and I wholly support many of their policies which have created child tax credit, the minimum wage and a reduction in crime. Regrettably however the gap between rich and poor has widened and we're faced with the legacy of an illegal war. The conservatives stand for virtually nothing I do, their stance on Europe alone is enough for me not to vote for them, let alone that they want schools to be run like businesses and want to repeal the ban on fox hunting with dogs.
Right now on nearly all the issues that matter to me the Lib Dems appeal the most. (full disclosure: I was voting Lib Dem before the leaders debates).

Tuition Fees:
They seek the removal of tuition fees, something which has placed me in thousands of pounds worth of debt despite having no guarantee of a job at the end of it.

They are the only party to agree with me, that immigration is not a major issue. The only problem with immigration is the disbursal of immigrants in high densities in specific areas, rather than sending them where they are needed the government lets them into the country to find work anywhere. the Lib Dems want to make sure immigrants can only work in certain regions.
Additionally, they want an amnesty on illegal immigrants who have been here for a few year. this I completely support, these people are often working in illegal jobs under horrible conditions because they can't get real employment for the fear of being deported. The fact is that an amnesty would allow them to become British citizens and allow them to pay taxes and contribute to the country. Labour and Conservative ideas about deporting them all fall flat as Nick Clegg pointed out in the last debate "You can't deport them if you don't know where they live".
Sounds like common sense to me.

The Lib Dems are the only party which want to scrap the Trident Nuclear Deterrent and replace it with something more up-to date and cheaper. In an age when the US and Russia are lowering the number of warheads they hold, investing billions on a cold-war weapon when the biggest threat is these weapons falling into the wrong hands is just stupid.

On Iraq, again the Lib Dems are the only party which opposed the war and voted against it.

Climate Change:
Although I disagree with their opposition to new nuclear power plants, they aim to cut carbon emissions by 40% in 2020, and 100% by 2050. and to tax domestic flights to encourage people to make use of the much more energy efficient trains.

I believe we need to play a strong role in Europe, we are a trading nation, and we are helped by being part of a trading community.

I'm not trying to sway other people in this post, i'm merely saying where i'm coming from.
i'm sure some readers of this (if there are any) will have different opinions and be supporting other parties.
I'll just leave on this parting note, if you don't use your right to vote, you lose your right to complain.


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