Now, as many of you are aware I am an Atheist. Basically, although I don't believe the existence of God to be impossible (because (unfortunately) evidence cannot rule it out) I do think it is as likely as there being unicorns, pixies, leprecauns and mermaids living amongst us. The only difference between these mythical creatures and God is that we've given God and infinite number of magical properties.
Likewise you are probably atheistic to Zeus, Thor, the Aborigine Gods, the Inca Gods and the Aztec Gods. I just go one God further.
So, imagine my surprise, when presented with this video showing almost conclusive proof of a miracle child. because my first response was that of "BULLSHIT".
This poor child suffers from passages of the Qur'an 'appearing' (I use the word lightly) on it's legs every Friday.
Now here's my hypothesis:
How about the parents write on his legs (in something he's allergic to) verses of the Qur'an?
that mark on his leg looks suspiciously like a rash, and he's said to be uncomfortable when it occurs. I like to think that this is the response of any logical person. however, I appear to be wrong.
This particular child has been attracting thousands of visitors. I attribute this to the area being war torn and the population probably consisting of apathetic people who are being deluded by this promise of hope. I almost pity them.
And for any Christians still reading, if you're thinking your own personal branch of the same religion is above this sort of thing, think again;
firstly, Lourdes:
And secondly, this sort of thing:
Before I leave I'd like to put forward one thought; if an infinitely powerful and all caring being wanted to get a message across to an 'intelligent' population of beings, why the fuck would he choose to hurt a baby every week to do it?.
This instantly rules out the all caring clause of his being.
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