This video has just been drawn to my attention through Derren Browns blog:
Now, as many of you are aware I am an Atheist. Basically, although I don't believe the existence of God to be impossible (because (unfortunately) evidence cannot rule it out) I do think it is as likely as there being unicorns, pixies, leprecauns and mermaids living amongst us. The only difference between these mythical creatures and God is that we've given God and infinite number of magical properties. Likewise you are probably atheistic to Zeus, Thor, the Aborigine Gods, the Inca Gods and the Aztec Gods. I just go one God further.
So, imagine my surprise, when presented with this video showing almost conclusive proof of a miracle child. because my first response was that of "BULLSHIT".
This poor child suffers from passages of the Qur'an 'appearing' (I use the word lightly) on it's legs every Friday. Now here's my hypothesis: How about the parents write on his legs (in something he's allergic to) verses of the Qur'an? that mark on his leg looks suspiciously like a rash, and he's said to be uncomfortable when it occurs. I like to think that this is the response of any logical person. however, I appear to be wrong.
This particular child has been attracting thousands of visitors. I attribute this to the area being war torn and the population probably consisting of apathetic people who are being deluded by this promise of hope. I almost pity them.
And for any Christians still reading, if you're thinking your own personal branch of the same religion is above this sort of thing, think again; firstly, Lourdes:
Before I leave I'd like to put forward one thought; if an infinitely powerful and all caring being wanted to get a message across to an 'intelligent' population of beings, why the fuck would he choose to hurt a baby every week to do it?. This instantly rules out the all caring clause of his being.
OK, just a short update to let you know about some amazing music I found online. I found this guy called Ólafur Arnalds, in April of this year he recorded seven songs over 7 days and released them one per day day, for free. known as the 'Found Songs' album.
His music is primarily instrumental piano / string pieces (he supported Sigur Rós and a quote from his website reads: "Breaking classical music out of the tweed jacket and loafers and putting it into a t-shirt and trainers", which should give you some indication of what to expect) and it is some amazing stuff.
Check it out:
Seeing as this music is free I feel no guilt in posting the links for you here (Suck it major labels!):
Just a quick story that's caught my attention and I feel is too good not to comment on. Dolphins play football!
You heard it hear first folks.
OK, so they use their flippers and jellyfish instead of feet and pigs bladders, but the difference is much the same. The new behavioural trait was witnessed for the first time when marine biologists studying the dolphins off the coast of Wales found that when bottle-nose dolphins were speeding along in front of their boats (why do they do that?) any jellyfish in their way get head-butted or tail flipped into the air.
The marine biologists believe this behaviour may go back hundreds of thousands of years and may explain why they are so agile with beach balls in captivity.
for those of you who still don't believe me here's proof (video is silent):
pretty astonishing stuff. I wonder if they've evolved the off-side rule yet?
Hello again followers (disciples?). It's a been a fair old while since I've updated this, so I thought I'd give it a crack, with a slight change of emphasis. Seeing as my past posts have revolved around what I've been up to, and basically, no one cares (including myself most of the time), or, if they do they're following me on twitter. I'm going to attempt to move my posts to more of a news and my opinions on it outlet (we'll see how it goes).
So, what's been happening in the world? President Obama has received the Nobel Peace Prize, Stephen Gately is dead, Copernicus was right etc. etc.
One piece of news that struck me as odd this week was the 'news' that a scientist claims the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is being sabotaged... by its own future. For those not in the know the LHC is a 17 mile long tunnel under the French-Swiss border in which scientists hope to smash two atoms into each other at the speed of light in search of the Higgs Boson (or the 'God Particle'). This scientist believes that the LHC will find the Higgs Boson, but this will create chaos in the universe, as the particles travel through time they disrupt the LHC in the present, preventing chaos in the universe... my opinion? Bollocks. So there was massive media hype about a black hole being created by the LHC (smashing two tiny things together, no matter how fast, cannot end the universe. FACT), and then there was a helium leak which has caused delays, (and leads to the hilarious scenario in my head of particle physicists running around with high pitched voices). But to say that these problems were caused by a higher power or a self-correctional universe?, what sort of scientist chooses the easy answer like that? Leave it to the religious to blame it on things that have no supporting evidence and cannot be proven, and get on with your job of getting the damn thing working.
The Large Hadron Collider: finally, a time machine
Something else, completely unrelated to this has also recently caught my eye, the 'band' Fall Out Boy have a greatest hits album coming out. now, as surprising as this is (they have hits?) there is a limited edition version also for release, with this will come the usual extra DVD and maybe some nicer packaging (I don't know, I refuse to research it for the fear that facebooks targeted advertising system will believe I'm a fan), what's odd about this is that this limited edition version will come with a lock of Pete Wentz' own hair and will cost £80. Now, what sort of creepy, stalker type fan base does Fall Out Boy have? I'd always assumed their fans were 12 year olds who are too young to know better, or their older, retarded siblings. I know its easy to make jibes about Fall Out Boy fans, in the same way it's easy to make jokes about deaf blind mutes (except deaf blind mutes have better taste in music) but I'm not going to stop because I see no other way for them to learn what utter crap they claim to like. But this does also raise the question, how much of a vain twat is Pete Wentz, does that man honestly believe his fans want locks of his greasy hair? I know if it were one of my favourite bands i'd avoid buying it just to stop the ego that would come with such a purchase; seriously, buying a guys hair will inevitably give that guy the ego of Gene Simmons or Bono.
I feel I'm ranting now so I'm going to draw this to a close, however, I see myself as a fairly kind person who wants to leave the world a better place than when I joined it, so it is with this kindness that I plant a seedling idea: if everybody chipped in say, a quid each, it would only take a small amount of organisation to have Wentz killed. If this works we could be living in a world without Fall Out Boy, and I think we all agree £1 isn’t much to ask for that.
P.S. if you don't agree yet, this WILL change your mind: