Hello again folks, i've finally decided to write a proper blog about what ive been upto and the like.
We'll start at uni. as it is where i am [/sarcasm].
Well I moved back in a few months ago and almost instantly became an alcoholic, this time a fair bit worse last year I suspect. As last year was generally a case of go to lectures during the day, then occasionally go to the Atrium (uni cafe) or go back to flat and either do some work or procrastinate on wikipedia, and then go out round town or to the pub maybe a couple - three times a week. nice and simple.
I Get back this year and what happens?, for some reason i've taken to going to the pub after most lectures and then staying most of the day, worse than that though, if i get bored at the flat i'll find myself meeting people at a pub just for something to do, this is on top of evenings out etc. worrying.
I also appear to be in a state of mind in which I can put off work till a week or so before it's due in, and I often have to remind myself that i'm at uni and that i really should be doing more work. I don't know where my motivation has gone this year (possibly to the pub and has drunk itself stupid), but I want it back!.
I've only been back home from uni once this year so far, (well, it is Barrow i'd be going back to) that was for my birthday weekend and to say goodbye to my grandparents as they head off to spain for thier annual half year out there, damn i want to be retired but i guess i've gotta work at some point in my life before i can do that, shame. Anyway, it was nice having a meal with them. Then i went to the cinema to see the new bond then, you guessed it, the pub with a few mates to celebrate my birthday. Thank you for turning up to that were there by the way.
While i was home I also got to see, and doss around in Caitlin and Nicks new house. Damn it's nice, I know i've said this before, but you will find me living there for most of any holidays I get!.
Speaking of holidays, guess where i'm going in May?
You got it yet?
... that's right,
i'm going to CHINA bitches.
Ok, so it's not a holiday as such, it's with the uni so we have to keep a notebook while were there and do a report when we get back. But for £970 all inclusive for two weeks, possibly with the option of a third week in Shanghai for an extra £100 i'm not complaining, especially considering we'll be spending out time at the Great wall, the Terracotta army, and a Panda Conservation centre. I'm so bringing a baby one back to put in my flat!
Of course, a slight problem is how the hell am i going to cough up £1000 by may?, well so far i've paid the £200 deposit, but with a $400 installment due in January and my attempts at getting a job in Preston have been futile so far i may have to go back to Tesco, although I said I didn't want to after they ended my contract early in July I feel that money is money and to be fair Tesco ain't bad wages for the job you do. (although i was shocked and appalled when I found out my flatmate, who just got a job at Aldi get £7 an hour, no fair!). So i am going to ring up Tesco tomorrow and see if they'd be willing to let me back over xmas, if they don't i'm not entirely sure what i'm going to do apart from put CV's in every shop in Preston :/
Just to add to my list of things that don't want to go to plan, Banks. god they're a pain in the arse aren't they?. Somehow Natwest gave me £400 less than i asked for in September when I asked to withdraw money from my account to put it into my parents to cover my accomodation fees, it wasn't until two weeks later when my mum told me she was £400 quid down that we realised either, A, the machines in HSBC where you deposit cash into accounts hadn't registered the full amount, or B, Natwest hadn't given me the full amount. so for 2 weeks i was in and out of the two banks registering complaints getting documents and standing in queues for half an hour just to be told to go and wait for a member of staff. Finally HSBC confirmed that there machine had tallied that day, whereas Natwests till hadn't, whereas most people would think that would be the end of it, oh no. Natwest were still messing us about, it's only since i've gone into Natwest in Barrow with my aunt (she's the manager of one of the furness building society branches) and talked to someone high up that it's been reffered to there regional headquarters. Grrrr! *shep annoyed*
Another thing that's annoying me, 'coz i'm sure you all want to know.
Or more specifically seeing decorations up in October and November! when will people learn that it's evil to be celebrating this early, people dont want to have to think about it this early, why would you?, to paraphrase Frankie Boyle "the credit crisis will hopefully make all those people on council estates with thouands of lights outside their houses have to downscale, to one sign written on wood in thier gardens that simply says 'scum'".
Anyway, moving on from annoying things, I will hopefully be back in the Barrow area on the 28th Nov for the weekend. be prepared!
Apologies for switching between my wordpress blog and this one, I origionally went from this one to wordpress because i prefered the asthetic and customisation that could be done to it, however, I find this one to be more functional so have moved all my new blogs onto here and will be sticking to this one from now on.
That's all from me at the moment, my next blog will probably be written when something interesting happens, so maybe after i've visited home, maybe sooner, maybe never.
Love, Peace and SuperAIDS.
P.S. I've been adding alot of new and old stuff to my flickr recently, check it out!
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