So, what's been going on?
Well, we’ll start off by taking short journey back through time to the first day of the Easter Holiday. Now as you will obviously remember the weather was fair and the flowers were in full bloom.
I had just returned home from university and received a text from Shoey.
With this I decided to go and visit the poor fellow in middle-earth (Leece) so I picked Flash up from my Sisters work and set off.
By the time I was driving into Stank I started to notice the handling was a little weird and there was a faint burning smell coming from the engine, when I realised I could put it off no longer I pulled into a gateway and tried to reverse off the road. Only, when I pressed on the accelerator nothing happened, so I tried putting it back in 1st, still nothing.
That’s right, the gears had given up.
And I was blocking entry into a field, so I called the ‘rents and had Flash towed back to Dalton.
The next day he was scrapped, and obviously, since then I have been car-less.
Beyond this the holidays were good. Nice to see everyone, and nice to be able to drink for a change.
Although, towards the end of the holiday my laptop was on the go again, something to do with the memory which Nick kindly fixed, albeit temporarily, as now I’ve got back to uni the hard drive has completely died meaning I can only turn it on but not do anything, therefore i have to use the library to do everything.
Coming up are some things I’m not looking forward to, followed by several I am.
Things I am not looking forward to include a 15min presentation I have to do for university admin about my dissertation, followed, the week after by two exams, at the moment its all systems go… well, it would be if I had any motivation.
Although as long as I can pass through the exams I have a weeks break before jetting off to China, which I really can’t wait for now, I’ve had all my jabs and am half way through getting suitable clothing (I’ve got shorts). All that’s left is the Visa application form which is currently in my inbox and to sort out the exchange of currency.
I’m sure there will be a blog on my Chinese adventures in a month or so, so I won’t bore you (even more) now.
Pending china I have the small matter of looking forward to trying to find a summer job, I’m seriously hoping Tesco will be taking students back on otherwise I’m buggered and won’t be able to fund other activities I’m looking forward to this summer, namely the camping trip that (I’ve?) we’ve arranged for the middle of June, or the two music events, firstly seeing NIN and Jane’s Addiction at the MEN on the 14th July.
And secondly, Sonisphere at the start of August, in which I get to see NIN (yet again), along with Linkin Park, Metallica, Bullet For My Valentine and several others.
Interestingly I’ve even started making plans for as far ahead as Autumn, which, for a guy who doesn’t usually plan anything out more than a month in advance, isn’t bad going.
The plans past summer so far are to go and see Green Day on Halloween, then go out for the first of several joint birthday nights out to commemorate myself and Hannah turning 21. (nights out will be in both Preston and Barrow, so you have no excuse not to come! (consider this an early warning)).
So, basically, that’s everything that’s happened to me recently and everything I’ve got planned for the future. Hope it’s been a thrilling read (though I kinda doubt it)
Before I go, just a quick plug for you… if you have iTunes subscribe to my random podcast thing here. (EDIT: link may not be working, please see top of page for working link)
Thanks for reading,